Jan Jan (Part II)

Jan Jan (Part II)

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in KU NV studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jas and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:16
You're listening to rebel radio with your host Malika Bella lyrics locals love on the rebel HD two.

Unknown Speaker 0:40
What's good everybody. Welcome back to rebel Radio. I'm your host Malika Bella here with our very last guest, Jan Jan. Hi. Welcome, welcome.

Unknown Speaker 0:52
Thank you so much for having me.

Unknown Speaker 0:54
Thank you for being here. So you performing Yeah, I saw that like your performance style, obviously, like you use the stage you use like you emanate this energy and then people are into it. Right? You ended up bringing bubbles. Is that correct? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:10
That's so awesome. My friend Kevin, shout out to Kevin for say, he just came out with this beautiful rap album called flows. And I did a track on it called photogenic featuring another wonderful rapper artist named Jack. And we, Kevin as a part of the entrance for his for his show at verta costera. On the roof. Everybody who came up was given a little vial of like bubbles. And when he told me this before the show started, I was like, Oh, I gotta make that even, like more intense. I'm gonna bring my bubble guns.

Unknown Speaker 1:44
The fact that you have bubbles, already speaks volumes.

Unknown Speaker 1:49
I love that you said that because as I was unearthing it from like my storage, I was like, the fact that I even have. So we brought those on stage and we were just like blowing them about No, it was really fun. Bubbles, man. There's so they're just so delightful. Delightful. Such a good word. Yeah, and Kevin had the beautiful idea to have bubbles in the air during his sets. And it was such a good contrast because it was while like people were rapping and like doing a hip hop songs and then you can hear these beautiful little bubbles floating through the air.

Unknown Speaker 2:23
When I listened to your music, it makes me feel so light so airy, and like floating and I think that bubbles really do. I think I've already used this word, but encapsulate like, really? Puts it to be tangible. Like I don't know. I can't even word it. It's like my music bubbles. I love that. So like random tangent but Powerpuff Girls love Are you bubbles? Because this was really no identifies Buttercup Do you? I do I get blossom a lot though.

Unknown Speaker 2:55
I was gonna say I'm more of like a blossom. Yeah, I'm like a plus some bubbles hybrid.

Unknown Speaker 3:01
Make your work with like,

Unknown Speaker 3:03
just the perfect amount of like a point. 02 percentage of Mojo Jojo.

Unknown Speaker 3:08
Yeah. How can you not?

Unknown Speaker 3:12
Funny tangent about that? Just you know that the voice of Buttercup was also the voice of Tommy Pickles from Rugrats. No, yeah, you do daily?

Unknown Speaker 3:19
Wow. Yeah. No, I had no idea. I know that. And I don't know if this is even confirmed. But according to my older sister. I don't know if it's all three of the Powerpuff Girls, the OG voices, or just like one or two. But they were in a band, too. So now I don't know because we need to confirm

Unknown Speaker 3:38
that makes it even more. I hope that's true. Yeah. That's incredible. Powerpuff Girls are the best. Thank you for taking me back to that to anytime,

Unknown Speaker 3:45
anytime. Cartoon Network. In my heart. Dexter's

Unknown Speaker 3:50
Laboratory, though. Yeah. Do you ever watch Dexter's Laboratory? I was. Okay, he's drawing her like in her pigtails and her ballerina slippers. I had a pension for doodling beauty.

Unknown Speaker 4:01
pensions. Yeah, I feel like I'm too nervous to do his voice but it would be like it's like the the JK. Also, it's like we haven't heard it in so long. So it's like the version that we have in the bar. Pinky in the brain. Like I don't know. That's not That's not Cartoon Network, but still Oh,

Unknown Speaker 4:25
that is also a classic. Yeah, that's awesome. That Animaniacs

Unknown Speaker 4:29
Oh, all of these die. Yeah. Hello, no.

Unknown Speaker 4:37
I love the Animaniacs Oh, no, you just made me want to spend the entire morning tomorrow watching cartoons on Saturday

Unknown Speaker 4:42
morning. I might as well might as well. Well, I feel like we've talked about everything under the sun except to you so I'll bring it back to you. I'm so sorry. No,

Unknown Speaker 4:52
I love this is so chill. Like I love everything about this setup.

Unknown Speaker 4:55
I'm glad. So yeah, we did. Talk about melting into the night. I think after listening to your music, I was like, I know I said, it's hard for me to choose favorites. But there's an exception. My favorite is how do you do? Oh, I love that. I just Oh my goodness. And it's fitting that the EP is called that as well. But I even wrote down some of the lyrics and I was like, I cannot I cannot write now. Let's see which one I should say.

Unknown Speaker 5:25
I love it you have in your arsenal. Love Yeah, I love how do you do that's beautiful.

Unknown Speaker 5:31
Obviously, I'm not going to read it. Like how, how? Listen to her actual song. Like this is not doing it justice. Just listen to the actual song. But the lyrics here plainly, panic. My mind is magic. You try to treat the tragic in my heart. And I'm like, Oh, my God, I cannot. I'm just addicted. So what was your process with this song? I

Unknown Speaker 5:56
have a man. My process with how do you do? Well, it's one of those songs that took me multiple experiences to complete. And I started writing it when I was really sick. And I was laying on the mattress. I was laying down and I was with my ukulele. And there was this particular chord progression that I use for the song that I really loved. And then I was thinking of, it kind of has like a 90s vibe, wouldn't you say? Yeah. 90s like love sound? Yeah, it

Unknown Speaker 6:32
definitely does.

Unknown Speaker 6:34
And it went a lot with a love I would experience I don't want to go too into it, but a lot about a love that I learned from and and Tana once you heard that song, and she saw me performing live with my brother, which is another the rendition that he does with his cello, you're just like, Wow, that's amazing. She said she cried. And it made her think of her relationship with her friends. And I didn't actually consider the impact that that such a song would have as far as like a platonic relationship. There's a line is how do you do what you're doing to me? You make me better. You You make me better you make me believe. And I was like, Wait, that totally is like something that you could say to a friend who just loves so much. And for me to hear that it's that palatable of a song that you could relate to through different dimensions. I was just like, wow, this is why I love doing this and, and what an honor to, to even soundtrack your time

Unknown Speaker 7:34
during the day. It's simply beautiful.

Unknown Speaker 7:37
Thank you. I love performing it. There's sometimes when I perform it, people are crying. And I used to be I used to think of that as so jarring. Like, oh no, I hope they're okay. But like no, it's beautiful, like, cathartic are exactly the word therapeutic experience that is instilled in the people who are listening. And so now when I see it, I'm like, wow, that's an honor. You cry, you cry, baby. Please let the time spreads. Yeah, I do. I love that song very much. I hold it near and dear to my heart. So much so that I titled it the name of my EP. My friend Sam was like, it's also like, how do you do? I'm Jan Jan, this is like, this is my music. So and

Unknown Speaker 8:18
while listening to her to when I say like, how do you do? Like in my mind, it's usually How do you do like, like a greeting? Yeah. And it was jarring in the best way possible when the song starts and it says how do you do what you're doing to me? And I was like, Okay, I'm invested. Let's see, let's see. But shout out Tanna by the way. But hearing that perspective that it can be like any relationship, right or any person that holds that space for you is so beautiful. Granted, I've only listened to the song twice, I had to replay I was like I'm obsessed. But both times I did listen to it with the lens of like, a romantic perspective. And it was just so beautiful. And I I did shed some tears at the end when it's like you hold me,

Unknown Speaker 9:07
you hold me but yeah, hold me back. Man. There was a so back to my residency at the shag room the night that I had one that there was like a like a judge panel. And like they also have like these incredible backgrounds that like give them the authority to like, you know, critique the artists performing. And someone was like that bridge where you're saying you hold me but you don't hold me back. And that was the first time that I had ever like seen somebody quote back at like a special part of that song to me. And then it was at that point where I was like, wow, songwriting is magical and it helps people feel or heal or whatnot. And I think yeah, again, what

Unknown Speaker 9:50
an honor. So so powerful but

Unknown Speaker 9:52
yeah, you hold me but you don't hold me back is that can be applied to so many relationships that are just like so freeing and that allow you to be who you are and who hold space for you to be your like most authentic self. And I'm

Unknown Speaker 10:06
definitely going to be just replaying the song over and over and over. I love that. So I know one of your other songs so answer yeah that when you playfully say like Socratic, yeah emotions automatic. And throughout the entire song I do pull different like words and themes that like Are you a very philosophical person

Unknown Speaker 10:28
I can be apt Great answer

Unknown Speaker 10:31
that is a philosophical. Right there. You've already you've already answered it.

Unknown Speaker 10:35
As we're talking about this, this this conversation actually took me to a philosophy class they took over, like around the corner. But yes, the answer is yes. Yes, I can do this, that's long answer was written during a time. I think the line is like, I wonder what the, what the answer is asking me. I have went through this phase that was so frickin Socratic, in a sense that I just had so many questions. And like, like, why is this that way? Why am I this way? Just very like, like self reflecting, I guess, are very just trying to analyze myself. And that's what that song is a reflection of?

Unknown Speaker 11:17
Well, I've received word from Socrates. And he's very proud. Sock, you're Wait, you're here with this good old sock? No, simply, again, simply beautiful. Thank you. That that line? I wonder what the answer is asking me. I was like, Wait, okay. Okay. Wait,

Unknown Speaker 11:37
I guess as you're saying that it is kind of philosophical to wonder in question that because it's like, no, you've been given an answer. That's it. Yeah. But so I've been so Socratic with that, that I'm just like, Okay, but what what is the answer actually asking me? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 11:53
and taking things at face value, you know, just going through this process through this cycle. And going back? I don't know, just asking that. And

Unknown Speaker 12:04
just it says a lot that you resonated with that line in particular, because sometimes I change it to dramatic so that it's more palatable. No, no, don't do Zubaz Oh, this is a sign. I don't have to Yeah, I don't have to modify it. It's great. Yeah, it's beautiful. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 12:24
So one of your other songs to know. Going down the line. A little louder. Oh, that one? Yeah, that one definitely. pulled at my heartstrings.

Unknown Speaker 12:35
Really? Yeah. So tell me I've reserved.

Unknown Speaker 12:39
And I feel like I'm still processing it, too. I'm very like my friends. No, I'm very slow to process. Yes. And then after the fact, I'm like, I unload. And I'm like, wow, it was so so like, such a forest as you would say. But the line where it's like, I think it says a little louder than the trees and it like brings nature into it. And I try to be somewhat of a naturalist and I'm trying to like, every time I'm alone, and I'm out in nature, just doing like taking little walks or bird watching or whatever it is listening to the like rustling of the leaves. So calming for me. And for that line to like, I don't know, elicit this image in my mind of like a forest or like, just serenity, but also loneliness in a way. So I don't know if that's like saying something about me. No, no.

Unknown Speaker 13:32
Internalizing about you. Yeah, that's amazing that you experienced that by hearing that song. I wrote a little louder about my mother. I lost her about two and a half years ago. And it used to be one of the hardest songs for me to perform live. Because while I would do it, like my voice would shake, or like, tears would drip down my face as I'm trying to complete the song. But I think I've gotten to a point now, which speaks to how music is incredibly therapeutic to your growth. I'm able to perform it now like more, not so much confidently, but proudly, as if it's something that honors my narration that I've experienced with losing my mother. It's my grief song. And there's this line in it. It's like I hear your laugh and my laugh so I laugh a little louder. And I had written that originally because my mother had like the best laugh and I think everybody can say that about their own mama but now that she's gone when I hear myself like just laugh I love I'm a very light hearted like enthusiastic as you were saying joking person. So when I catch myself laughing to a certain like frequency, I'll be like, Oh my God, I don't like my mother. And it's like, I'm so for anything that I could cry like talking about this again. It's so beautiful, or I just feel very grateful. All that her genes were so strong that they emanated through my life. And I think that's something that I'll hold near and dear to me for, you know, till I perish so Oh.

Unknown Speaker 15:11
And you speaking of like, how at first it was really, really tough to perform it right. I if I were in the audience, I would be right there with you like I would be just my heart,

Unknown Speaker 15:24
you would understand or like, really? In your own like, unique way? Yeah, that's, I did. I was so far sounds No, there's this, this beautiful musical showcase, I guess I would say called sofar sounds and I did the Las Vegas version of it, shout out to coop, you're listening. I sang that song. And I was like, bawling while I was doing it. But then it was after I had performed that, that people were like, oh, there's they were telling me their stories about their grief. And like, how they've dealt through it and how, like, they've lost their mother, and they're never going to they're never going to stop grieving. And to me, that was like, wow, that's just basically me. Being able to, to reflect and share my own experience and be able to relate that with other people who I never would have otherwise. So. It is, yeah, it's a pretty hard one. I'm trying to remember. kind of locked out that space, or that time in my life, but during my mother's funeral, I think I did perform it. But yeah, and when you say like through the trees, my mother was an incredible gardener. She had like the greenest thumbs. All she had was like six something in dirt and it was like, Oh, the next day. Oh, this is a flourishing rosebush. It sprouts. Yeah. Yeah, I do. I love that song a little louder. I, the way that it came to fruition and how I like finished it right away. I was just like, wow, this is a song about this was my grief song. What I was saying,

Unknown Speaker 16:53
yeah, thank you, thank you for putting that out into the world, too. Thank you. Sometimes, you know, artists, like art is healing. So artists write stuff and keep it for themselves. And I applaud you for sharing that. It's very vulnerable.

Unknown Speaker 17:07
Thank you. That was another thing is just getting in touch with your vulnerability and, and just surrendering to what it is. You're creating or working on at the time.

Unknown Speaker 17:18
Yeah. And for you to say, that line. I laugh a little louder. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 17:26
I hear laughing my laugh. So I laugh a little louder. Because it's like to know that it's my mother's influence is something instilled in me. That is, you know, it's like nothing tangible, really. But I can like, excrete that laugh. It's like, oh, it's joyful. And it brings about happiness. Like the legacy, the legacy of laughter, alliteration.

Unknown Speaker 17:51
So everybody take a shot every time. What number are we on right now? You know. So, yeah, I bring that up. I mention it because I'm just thinking about, and you said, like, till I perish, too. So thinking about like, all the different connections, synchronicities, like different people that we meet and talk to and have an impact on or they impact us. Just thinking about not to be morbid or anything, but thinking about what that would be for someone else about you. So for you and your mom, it's your life and her life and that like those intricacies that combine that for us, you know, like, I remember, it's like an aesthetic feeling that overtakes you so I just wonder like, every single day, there's so many people that we you know, converse with we come across and just thinking about that. It's amazing in my mind

Unknown Speaker 18:46
how, like the slightest influence from somebody who like they might not even, like realize that but how much they've impacted like how your perceptions in life. It's very, it's pretty incredible to me.

Unknown Speaker 18:58
And I know throughout the episode, we have been talking about How I Met Your Mother. Yeah. It's a beautiful way to express it as well.

Unknown Speaker 19:07
I, again, Christina melotti When she was on her patio, I was a huge How I Met Your Mother fan. I haven't. I think the I tried watching it recently. My friends were like, I don't think it aged very well. But you know, we can live in our bubble.

Unknown Speaker 19:26
Just is. I don't need to go back to it. It's okay. It's perfect in my mind, like don't ruin it. ruin it. Have you tried watching home at your father?

Unknown Speaker 19:36
I have. Yeah, I'm a huge Hillary Duff fan. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 19:39
I think that's what drew a lot of people in Oh, probably she

Unknown Speaker 19:42
is she's just legendary. And

Unknown Speaker 19:45
perfect word for this Congress. Barney Stinson would be proud.

Unknown Speaker 19:50
You're so right. How I Met Your father is great. I they do a really mindful interpretation I feel about like 30 Somethings today. And like navigating through life in New York City. Granted, it's through like the scope of a Hollywood representation, but I like it. I like it a lot. Yeah. And I like how diverse the cast is to have like an Asian American characters.

Unknown Speaker 20:17
I don't I don't know. But it was very intentional. I have okay. It's very intentional. Yeah, cast on everyone perfectly to word it. I think first episode, and I was like, Oh, my goodness, this is so cringy. And then I was like, but I'm addicted and I just get into it. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 20:35
i Everything cringe. just cringe is fine. To be cringe is fine. You are embracing who you are. And if somebody thinks it's cringe then cool.

Unknown Speaker 20:46
Well, that's what I need to hear.

Unknown Speaker 20:49
Do you think you're cringe? Oh, sometimes,

Unknown Speaker 20:51
but I own it. I cringe. Oh, the hair swoop. So shifting gears a little bit. So I know you talked about, you know, music performance instruments, just really healing. What happened? We talked about, you know, there's so much more. But I saw that you're walking in the second second annual like spring versus summer. So are you really into fashion? Totally

Unknown Speaker 21:17
pluck that right now? Thank you. I'm actually so bite size multimedia company is this beautiful media company that does a bunch of like community events and like promo promotions throughout the city. And yeah, this is their second annual spring versus Summer Fashion Show over at Container Park. Sunday, April 28, I believe, is that I could check that. I think so. Yeah. So on April 28, at 7pm. And it's such a beautiful way to get more creators in again, a hub. There's going to be like 10 different local designers. I am modeling for honey spice, which is this beautiful, like ethereal whimsical line. Shout out to Goldie. All these shout

Unknown Speaker 22:06
out. Yeah. No, that's beautiful. It speaks to who you are as a person. Like all these different people that have impacted you.

Unknown Speaker 22:13
It's it's it's also such a testament of the artistic community here in Vegas. And that's it's just ever evolving and growing. So, but yes, that is happening on next Sunday. And am I into fashion I love I love all things fashion. Yes. The answer is yes.

Unknown Speaker 22:30
I must say very fashionably dressed today to Thanks for this gorgeous.

Unknown Speaker 22:36
You're so nice. It's so hot out. Yeah, I'm just like, we weren't ready for this, but it's only April. Yeah. Are you tired of throwing throw? Yeah. Okay, so then this is like, I've

Unknown Speaker 22:48
I've become a lizard. So it's okay, like sitting in the sun just. So where do you see Jan Jan, and the next couple of years? Like there's no timeframe. It could be like however many years it could back tomorrow. What do you want to manifest,

Unknown Speaker 23:01
I want to manifest even more momentum. With

Unknown Speaker 23:06
take another shot, you

Unknown Speaker 23:10
take a shot every time there's alliteration featured in this interview. I think when I started performing live more it was it took a lot out of me because I'm very like hypercritical and very like it's very debilitating for me in my head. We're all are like worst critics. But the more that I submit myself to the traction of performing more, the more I realize like oh my gosh, this is incredible. I love this, it's fulfilling. So that more momentum even more so and more original music. I so when I perform like covers and like top 40 things that appease the audiences with my band, it's always like a different spin. But I always think how grateful I am to have that opportunity to learn other songs that was something I really wanted to work on to like get myself familiar with songs that already exist. And in doing so, it has definitely inspired my own original music and like writing I write everything down like a granny like a planner. A lot of my musician friends do everything like on their on their phone or like they type it out in stock. Well

Unknown Speaker 24:18
that's mainly for like accessibility and like ease but I I love handwriting things and I actually really want to get into calligraphy.

Unknown Speaker 24:25
Do you write in cursive? I do. somebody the other day was like you write in cursive that is rare. And I was like it is

Unknown Speaker 24:32
like they don't even learn that anymore. So I've been told

Unknown Speaker 24:36
I yeah, when I heard that the other day. I was like, Oh my gosh, cursive is That's it. It's also like, at least to me. I'm like this is the least Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 24:45
it really is.

Unknown Speaker 24:46
He never picked the pen up. But yeah, I love writing in cursive and I love that you write in cursive. So I always cursive

Unknown Speaker 24:52
you're cursing. So those are my

Unknown Speaker 24:56
my limits and first thing in cursive. Oh way. But yeah, so manifesting more of that. I want to put up some more EPs, more singles more collaborations with artists. Yeah. This other interview that I did, they were asking me something similar. And I was like, I think right now I'm in this like mindset of collaborating with other artists because it, it takes me out of my head from like, my own like, self critical brain, to, to listen to others and to be more open to that. And it just creates more space that is positive and welcoming. Thank you. You're so polite. I love it so much. Well,

Unknown Speaker 25:43
you can ask can I can be real, but no one does it.

Unknown Speaker 25:47
Yeah, kind of where are you?

Unknown Speaker 25:50
No, seriously, thank you so much for your time today.

Unknown Speaker 25:52
Gosh, thank you for having me. This has been such like a breath of fresh air.

Unknown Speaker 25:56
I'm glad. Where can they find you?

Unknown Speaker 25:58
I am in stress for going through Jan Jan grams to NJN.

Unknown Speaker 26:06
You have passed the spelling bee. first award goes to you. Thank you. Yes, I would say Till next time, but this is our final episode.

Unknown Speaker 26:19
This season. How do you feel? Mike, let me switch this. Watch everything that you discuss.

Unknown Speaker 26:25
And then some actually so you know, very fulfilled just gratifying all across the board. I think that I mean, very cathartic to to revisit a lot of things that have impacted me throughout my life and then reflecting so much on my own personal journey and they're hearing from your journey. It's just

Unknown Speaker 26:45
great, so powerful. Yeah, through and through. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 26:47
gratitude throughout.

Unknown Speaker 26:48
Gratitude is the attitude.

Unknown Speaker 26:52
I love it. And that's a Raphael thank you so much for listening. Peace. That's so fun. Thank you for listening to rebel radio with Malika Bella lyrics locals love on the rebel HD two

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